Being a lover of hats, but seldom actually wearing them, I took notice of Judy. Judy mixes different textures, patterns, and lengths in her outfit. Somehow it all works, perhaps because of the subdued colors. Whatever the case, it looks extremely cozy and comfortable.
Note to self: wearing hats and scarves together draws the attention to the face in a good way.
Occupation : New York Fashion Designer
Clothing details:
Skinny jeans : JBrand
Plaid fedora : Urban Outfitters
Black leather boots : Vintage boots from New York
Black and white checkered scarf : From New York
A blue-grey hoodie layered with a cropped cable knit cashmere sweater
i have to agree with you on the colors. everything is neutral or has a gray tone to it, even down to the lilac coloring on her nails. She sure does look comfy too. Not to mention warm without looking to bundled up and bulky.